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Yuka, 38 y.o.
Tokyo, Japan [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 78.
inactive user
I've visiting London and Spain for couples days, but Japan was my first long experience abroad :)
How about you?
inactive user
Because I love Japan and I wanted to have an experience abroad !
Oh great sounds exciting ! :)
inactive user
Me too! I was working as a massage therapist last year before I moved to Tokyo!
What kind of products do you use?
yesss it's so expensive ;__;
inactive user
Good! I love japanese nails !
Do you also do body massages?
Japan is SO expensive, especially rent and fresh food (fruits, veggies.. etc)
inactive user
Yes! Do you know Shellac? It's american, it's halfway between Gel and Nail Polish, so I mostly work with it :) it's so good!
Thank you, I really love my job! I wish I could do facial though!
Japan is nice, even if sometimes it's hard, but it's really expensive OxO
inactive user
Yes it's nice area! thank you *^^*
I stay until November for sure, and I am currently aplying for another visa, hopefully I'll stay more!
Nice! I am doing nails and waxing :)
inactive user
Thank you for your reply Yuka!
Yes I went to Beauty School in France and graduated last year ! I came to Tokyo with a working holiday visa, and I am working in a salon in Harajuku right now :)!!
What kind of treatments do you do?
I love my job<3
inactive user
Hello !
はじめまして!My name is Mati :)
I am an esthe too ! It's so nice to meet someone who does the same job ! Do you work in Tokyo right now ?
I would love to talk to you !
Reply - Conversation - Aug 21, 2013
Hello how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 21, 2013
Hello. I can help you with english is you'd like
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