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Princess Enny, 30 y.o.
Jacksonville, United States [Current City & Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


High school

Relationship status


Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 12.
inactive user
not so bad,thanks.this site is so slow.but it's changed your avatar just now?:))
inactive user
lol,u make me smile.sure,you look cute,that's true.well,i think that there's something wrong with our ip address in china.u know that the government will block most western websites in china.yep,i heard about line,kakao n line.but never used them before.
inactive user
hi how was your day?i just wrote a note on my profile here.cuz i can't reply through msg on this site,it's so bad,but i only read and write on the wall,this is driving me crazy,lol.thanks for your emoticon,so cute like u:))well,if u don't mind,i wish we can chat on wechat.u know this?i suppose that most human beings on earth got this,just kidding
inactive user
ps:btw,maybe your prince is riding on a white horse n waiting for you.:))
inactive user
hey ya,first of all,thanks for your be honest,i spend some time reading your profile.i think that this is the most basic.:))you are someone special like me.i appreciate what u love,love what u do.don't let anything bother u.:))well,tell u the truth,nobody wants to grow up.but so what?cuz we can't change the world,so we have to experience a lot.mmm,i am not sure if you like to communicate with a chinese guy,but i am surely from asia,lol
inactive user
What's your weekned plan??
inactive user
Hi,nice to meet you
Reply - Conversation - Jul 25, 2014
Long profile
inactive user
Good luck finding you Prince.
Hope he shows up soon. ^.^
inactive user
hi!! from S.Korea!!
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