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Nathalia, 30 y.o.
Belo Horizonte, Brazil [Current City]


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Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 120.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2017
Ah, yes. That does sound a bit more right, then. I had just finished that piece of armor, so I was feeling quite proud of myself, because it was the first piece I'd made in a long time. But there's no shame in not going to college! A lot of it can be learned from books in the library, saving yourself years of severe anxiety issues and insecurities about the worthiness of one's chosen major and looming debt.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2017
Well, it is an aspiration of mine, farther down the road, but that main get-up was for a 1920s exhibit hosted by a museum I work for. But thank you!
inactive user
i don't want you to feel bad. i want to chat with you.
Reply - Conversation - May 12, 2017
I love your profile too, you sound awesome! Was it 1 year ago you sent this? Crazy. Did you volunteer again? I would love to do something like that in Brazil. I have been growing veg since I was a child but properly for about 7/8 years x
Reply - Conversation - May 2, 2017
It's wonderful! For me, Gilbert is a friend with whom you can really enjoy life :-)
inactive user
Hi! Sorry for the delay, I just got this. So glad to find another feminist too! That's too bad people don't educate themselves on what feminism actually is. Do you study it at all? Or like to learn about it to better yourself and the world around you?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 12, 2017
And they are :) I'm still looking for tapioca flour. I guessed right that it won't be easy job to find it but I'm not giving up :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 11, 2017
To be honest i cant say not even one Finnish director, that i could recommend.. I dont remember ever watching a Finnish horror movie :) I kinda dislike films from here....
Reply - Conversation - Jan 11, 2017
It should be looking something like that:
Reply - Conversation - Jan 8, 2017
Haha :) well, I haven't tried any of brazilian food so I'm gonna try this recipe on to check if it will suit me :)
It might be a little hard for me to get tapioca flour but I'll try my best :)

Recipe for gołąbki:

1 whole cabbage
Tomato sauce
1 glass of rice
300g any meat you like
Salt, Pepper

1. First, you must cut down the middle section of the cabbage and cook it in boiling water. When the outer leaves will be soft you cut them off and then put the cabbage back in the boiling water. When the next leaves will be soft repeat the process until you "strip down" the cabbage completly.
2. Wash up the meat and mince it. Cook up the rice in proportion 1 glass of rice and 2 glass of water. The rice should be sticky. Cool the rice down.
3. Melt down the butter on the pan. Add chopped onion and make it light brown. Mix onion, meat and rice together. Add salt, pepper and garlic as much as you want :)
4. Put the rice on the leaves. Roll over leaves and put the sides of the leaves inside. Put some of the leaves on the bottom of the pot. It's important that the bottom should be completly covered by the leaves. Put the rolls tightly in the pot. Cover the rolls by the rest of the leaves.
5. Pour hot water into the pot until you see the water on the leaves. Boil it together about 1 hour under the lid.
6. Serve it with tomato sauce.
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