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Teal003, 37 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]



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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 223.
inactive user
inactive user
Happy birthday ^_^
inactive user
Hi !
Nice to meet you~
I want to be your friend ^^
inactive user
m living in cebu ^-^ u shud come to cebu not manila ok kkkkkkk
inactive user
woww really?? i am so happy for u..^^ u shud work hard and all the best hyun woo ya...yes i m stil in if u visit here u shud visit me ok?? ^^ take care hyun woo ya..miss ya too ^^
inactive user
hyun woo ya how have u been??
inactive user
hmm well..i donno i m trying to log in ..something wrong wid it T T
inactive user
Oh my!! I am so happy for you!
I know you can do it. You're so smart!! ^^
And im proud of you<3

A trip to Europe? Stop to see me first xP hehe kidding!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 15, 2011
^.^ Hahah I couldn't agree more!
Yes I do it's:

inactive user
Unfortunately, I can't TT my moms fiances daughter (I dont want to call her my sister), she is using the computer ALL the time while she is in town. Im so sorry!
I would use it if I could TT

I haven't talked to you in months.
How have you been?
Are you on holiday from school?? <3
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