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Marc_k, 31 y.o.

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 454.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2016
Hi Marc, Happy birthday to ya! It's been a while since we last talked huh? Come back here and tell me your adventure around the world again! Have a blast! ;)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 14, 2016
I see you've been in China. Have you been to Hunan province? That's in mu bucketlist..the mountain is a haven!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2015
wow!! you have been in mexico,cool!! and hi! nice to meet you :D
Reply - Conversation - Feb 6, 2015
Hi Marc! Oh wow, I guess I need no excuse for not replying the last post, eh? October 31st to February 6th which makes it many many months. I'm really sorry for getting back really REALLY late. Things just slipped through my mind a lot of times since then with finals and now my ongoing internship (and those are excuses, I know) and this and that. I don't know about you, but I feel like continuing our nonsense talk, aye? (you may want to look back because I am pretty sure you forgot what we talked about)

Oh no no no. Interpals and privacy is not really two things that go along. So I said, it's totally legal! hahaha :D

I see you had some wonderful journey in the South American land there. And please, elaborate 'delicate'.. hahaha :) Actually - this is my sharing session, to make amend, still feel guilty after 8 lines - I just went on a very short break or getaway to be exact to Singapore for 3 days. Staying in my very first hostel with strangers, who happened to be from Germany and China and they are wonderful. I envied the German girl very much since she's doing all this extensive travelling around Asia and Oceania and always so spontaneous and free. I guess that's a German's trait after all... run in the system. :)

WAIT. you saying you went to China but not visiting the Great Wall?? You picked up the wrong travel map, buddy?

Anyway, how have you been recently? (exactly the question you asked me the last time)
As for me, well, as I told you, just internship and office works all day, and worried. yes. next semester will be my last and I have a shitload of things to think about, e.g. work. :/ but I'm healthy and no broken bones (and still on interpals apparently), so that should be good. :)
oh that's a long post..
Reply - Conversation - Jan 5, 2015
Reply - Conversation - Nov 30, 2014
und.. wo war's am schönsten ? :)
inactive user
Danke for visit my profile ^^
inactive user
How are you??
Reply - Conversation - Sep 3, 2014
after 3 posts, yeah, things definitely escalated at a rapid pace. Oh my God, I know exactly the place for a lively conversation. that place is called Interpals!

oh wait, no, that's us. damn it.

I used to store some "lively" people's profile back in the day just to make fun of it with a friend of me. and then my phone drowned in the lake. Karma hits hard and fast. but well, nothing can stop me! Some people are just too amusing! haha!

Your coworker definitely has a thing for Hispanic ladies. hahaha.. Guatemala?? that is random. No Belize? I heard many wild things happened there. Like "whatever happens in Belize stays in Belize" sort of stuff. I made that up anyway. You'll be traveling alone??

Ooooh, as a very terrible ambassador of my own country, I would definitely suggest you to visit Indonesia. and please sir, Indonesia is more than just Bali, okay. So make sure you're not only stuck in Bali with half of the Australia continent surfing there. hahaha :D
Me, meh, gotta finish this final year of my degree first, mate. Then maybe, all my traveling dream will fall into place. Australia will be my first stop. Joining??? LOL ;)

or maybeee, I should just be a monk myself (believe me, I'm fit to be a monk, unless that I drink, I eat meat, and many other stuffs monks don't do) and we can get ourselves an easy way out... to Tibet!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 25, 2014
I think we should really write a book like... "257 Shades of Blues". The boss and the Sandwiches. Anyway, congratulations! You have just pushed the boundaries of creepiness. hahaha! in a good way. Interpals needs good creepiness nowadays or it is sooo dreadful! so cheers!

Wait, seriously, is every German who studying abroad comes just to party?? hahaha... See, we got a fair amount of Germans here in Malaysia in my uni and it seems like partying is all they do. And speaking of, you should visit Malaysia, or better yet, my university! You can literally find the best of both worlds : Russian-ish and Germans. You'll blend in as easy as cooking instant noodle. haha! What's on your bucket list next? Aside from China next year, I mean...

Easier to go?? What, does it involve nasty stuff i.e. hike mountain and stuff? or that's just me being very shallow and dumb for not knowing Tibet? Let's see. My future one year from now is kinda cloudy now. Damn sun!

I'm 1.7 m tall, black eyes, black hair! I'm perfectly ideal Germanic! 100% no doubt!
Well, that makes you Asian then! hah!
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