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Schöneberg, 41 y.o.
Breckerfeld, Germany [Current City]



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Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 10 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
inactive user
Love haunted places!! Yeah I live in Oklahoma, so I support the okc Thunder! Nice my weekend starts after work today! Who is your favorite football team?
inactive user
haha Yeah I know of it!! I actually took a really long nap yesterday!! this weekend I am going to be watching basketball and having a few drinks! What about you?
inactive user
Zoos are massive here!!
inactive user
Nice!!! I have two german shepherds and I have family there. So I've been to Berlin and hamburg!!! Ever been to the states?
inactive user
Your English is not bad!! I have been to Germany several times, as I have family there. I like going to concerts, getting tattoos, and going to the gym. You?
inactive user
I'm doing good!!!! How are you doing?? Greetings from USA!!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 30, 2014
Jepp meine Schwester und ihre Familie wohnen dort noch, also verschlägt es mich öfters dort hin
Reply - Conversation - Apr 30, 2014
Hallo. Das ich hier jemanden finde aus brecketfeld. Irre. Habe selber jahrelang dort gewohnt. Liebe grüsse kathrin
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