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Erinwelch, 33 y.o.
Sydney, Australia [Current City]



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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 13 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 162.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 20, 2017
Hey erin,i am from indonesia,want to know you please
Reply - Conversation - Oct 9, 2011
hey wassup :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 8, 2011
I only have uni four days a week but yeah, it is still a struggle though. I actually slept on the train yesterday because I didn't get enough sleep the night before, lol.
& Oh, that's cool. That sucks about what happened at SFX though. :/ Well, hopefully things go good for you with that other guy then, lol.
I'm not really up to that much besides uni. :( I don't know when soundwave revolution is and haven't really heard about so I didn't have any current plans with going, lol. I don't have Facebook though as I deactivated it over two months ago. :P
Reply - Conversation - Aug 2, 2011
Hey! It has been a while. :P Well, I just started my second semester of uni last week. I was on holidays for five weeks however, I didn't get up to a lot. I went away for the first week (camping) and then afterwards, I basically slept in a lot. Haha. Uni so far hasn't been that bad though. However, I am dreading having to wake up early once again. I start at 8AM each day that I'm there. :( Anyway, how have you been?
Reply - Conversation - May 24, 2011
I'm already 18. I turned 18 back in March. I haven't been out a lot though unfortunately but I'm hoping that will change as soon as mid-semester break starts. :P I've heard of Hot Damn but I've never been there before. I do listen to those sorts of bands. I used to only listen to the whole 'rock/punk' genre a few years ago but now, I'm quite open with my music taste. :)
Reply - Conversation - May 18, 2011
Haha. I have some people in my course who are literally study freaks. They just do uni work all the time and are always up to date with everything. As with the majority of people, it's basically pulling all-nighters to get it all done. :P Like, we had to make this A1 poster with a lot of architectural drawings that needed to be done yesterday and my friend said so many people stayed the night at the studio to finish it off, lol. I'm going to try my best not to go shopping anymore. I always find myself wanting to go shopping in my spare time and always at first intend not to buy something but always do though. Just last week, I bought myself a pair of platform pumps as they were on sale. :P & I don't work though as I don't really have the time to. Uni takes up a lot of my time. :(
inactive user
Hello .How are you ?I`m pardis and i`m 16.I don`t know what to ask you because i don`t know you yet .first we have to have some small conversations .
inactive user
i love all music as well & yes i will be going to defqon this year showtek was the first hardstyle DJ i got in to & just feel in love with hardstyle after that
Reply - Conversation - Apr 29, 2011
hello,how are you?
inactive user
Hey cool profile u seem like a great person & would like to get to no more i see u all so like showtek :)
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