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Ayageng, 30 y.o.
Jakarta, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 248.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 15, 2014
Hey Pal!

I did not heard from you for so long, hope to see you soon!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 12, 2012
*Aya ^^
Reply - Conversation - Mar 12, 2012
Halo Jazmin!! Bagaimana kabarmu???? =)
Saya Guljigit tapi teman-teman saya memanggil saya Guji (itu lebih mudah mengeja) lol
Saya 18 y.o. dan saya mahasiswa tahun pertama di Universitas Internasional Kyrgyzstan. Saya dari Kyrgyzstan, Asia Tengah. Negara kita sangat jauh tapi begitu akan mendinginkan untuk mengirim dan menerima surat dari negara eksotis ^ ^ Juga saya ingin menukar hal-hal kecil (koin, bendera, souvenir dll ..) Jadi, jika Anda tertarik, pls mari kita mulai: )
semoga sukses
Reply - Conversation - Mar 6, 2012
It's been quite a long time. Sorry.. :(

hehe you won't envy me because my school started back few days ago :( I still can't believe that my vacation is over :( I wan to rest more.

how have you been? Any news? :)
inactive user
Yes, haha but we are talking now :) It's good here, but I'm starting school in two weeks T-T
inactive user
it's great:)
on Valentine's day,I exchanged chocolates with my friends at school and it was a lot of funXDand the math test wasn't so bad than I expected:D
and you?
inactive user
i have vacation C=
how about you?
inactive user
Fineeee ^^ Oh long time no see :c xd
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jan 29, 2012
Yeap! I'm still on my vacation :) Yeah it's really long. It ends in 2nd of march. Till then, I'm free :) and I love it!! hehe
Okay, I'll wish you luck! You'll do good job:)
I become sophomore(2nd grade of univ.) in this march! We usually change grades after winter vacation :)
What are you grade in? and How are you?? :)
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