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Angga, 30 y.o.
Sidoarjo, Indonesia [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 146.
inactive user
35 degrees? O_O Wow, that's really hot! But I like hot weather more than cold, so I want here was such a temperature, too. :D

Haha, I like every kind of chocolate! ^^
inactive user
You're welcome! ^^
By the way, what about the weather in Indonesia? In my city is about +5 degrees only >_< But I warm up with drinking hot chocolate, haha :D
Reply - Conversation - Oct 1, 2013
Korean Drama.. More than excellent *-*
Yes, there is not money T_T
inactive user
Wow! So wish you good luck with your studying life. ^^
My studying is.. good x) I'm trying to do my best always, because I know it's important for my future life :)
inactive user
Oh, thank you for compliment! :3 I want to meet you too. Well, I think in the future it may be possible. ^^
By the way, how are you now? What about your studiyng? I hope everything is nice. ^^
inactive user
Haha! :D
By the way, I want to visit Indonesia in the future, too. Because I want to travel around the world when I grow up and I think Indonesia is really beautiful and interesting country. ^^
Reply - Conversation - Sep 23, 2013
Yes. I really want to go to Korea. I know.. Korean people is very friendly. Sometimes, my friends and I send each other packages. They're very cute ^^

Really? Now you have to go to Korea! :D
inactive user
Well, it's about three hours on an airplane from Samara :D I went so far, because Montenegro is a beautiful country with clear sea. ^^ Yes, of course! Soon I'll send you some photos from there. :)
inactive user
No, it's not Russia. This is a separate country, not far from Italy. And it's very beautiful country. :) If you want, I can send you some photos from there. ^^
inactive user
Wow! Congratulate you! :)
Yes, Montenegro is a small, but really beautiful country. If you want I can send you some pictures from there. ^^
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