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Amoyy, 32 y.o.
Jakarta, Indonesia [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 924.
inactive user
Ah okay. Tall enough :^)
inactive user
Hey AmoooooooooY anak yang hilang nongol lagi! Panglima suweneng buanget ketemu sama Amoy lagii! Amoy yang penting pilih mertua yang cocok! hahaha Amoy kebetulan sekarang panglima sekeluarga diajak teman makan di restoran cina. Tapi lain kali kita past ngobrol lagi yaaaaaa. Ayooo Amoy ikut makan aja ya, Panglima yang traktir! hehe Lebaran Amoy mudik ato tetap di jakarta saja? Sampai ketemu lain kali yo Amoy! Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag Amoy. Salam persahabatan.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 5, 2014
Hello. Omg thatbwas last year when you write on my wall. Thats silly. Im sorry. Im not check my interpals a lot. So how are you? Hehe
inactive user
Hai Amoooooooy, apa kabar rek? Kita udah lama gak ketemu! Amoy sibuk apa sih belakangan ini.....Jadi anggota tim sukses Jokowi ya Amoy?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 1, 2014
hi. love the part you wrote "today is a gift "hope moments of your present day aren't making you sad coz you deserve to be ever smiling (*¯︶¯*)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 11, 2014
Heheh. I just started listening to it on a whim,as I do with most music.XD
Reply - Conversation - Mar 10, 2014
Slow, dull, full of stupid and or annoying customers at work. Had to wait for my lunch to be remade. Got home, now here I am, sipping green tea listening to jazz! XD Lol!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 10, 2014
Hahaha, yeah. Sorry. I have alot on there dont I? XD Thank you for writing me back. :) So, hows your day going?
inactive user
I am ok thanks and you?? xx
inactive user
I miss you tooooo. x
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