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Shane Valentine, 36 y.o.

Joined 8 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
inactive user
Feel free to write or talk to me anytime:)
inactive user
Thanks also for your condolences....I don't like
to be a follower either, BUT, I use to be one....
Age has made me wiser LOL!!! I like to be original
too;) I do know I have a cool sense of style people
have tried to imitate, BUT, it doesn't look as good
on them ;)
inactive user
Well, people have judged me because of my of skulls, dying my hair all sorts
of colors, love wearing black too....I have learned
to enjoy my uniqueness;)
inactive user
Well, I am a very social person and can pretty much
talk to anyone:). I am doing OK....husband died
a couple of weeks ago, so dealing with the aftermath.
I have my good days and bad, but, I am hanging
in there. Why would people be scared? How has
your weekend been? Gonna send you a friends
inactive user
So, how are you liking the site so far? :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 2, 2016
Thanks for visiting. I would be happy to learn some basic French
inactive user
Welcome to IP:)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 13, 2016
Now I accepted you. I didn't know how to do I accept :P
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