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Pálma, 27 y.o.
Debrecen, Hungary [Current City]

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Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 80.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 18, 2014
I just want to be my true self all the time and enjoy life so that the next day I can remember everything. But yeah, Finns are alcoholics. Mostly. There's way too many of them.

Oh I just remembered I have some chocolate on my closet. Nam. I'm gonna get so fat. :DD
Reply - Conversation - Mar 17, 2014
I so don't drink either. Not even going to. And I don't need no alcohol to have a great party. I mean, my dazzling personality is what attracts the people, not the serving. I mean, people like me...? Oh now I'm sad. But even when I'm depressed, I won't start to drink! I will not be like almost each and every Finnish person.

Nah don't worry for the pause. I haven't replied to any messages I've got through InterPals or my e-mail. I am a terrible, terrible friend and I am not surprised if I lose half of the people I'm chatting with. And I never even have good explanations to my silence.... I'm usually just so freaking lazy. And nope, we don't really celebrate Women's day here though it's mentioned everywhere. Finnish women aren't classy enough to get flowers I guess. :D
Reply - Conversation - Jan 13, 2014
Haha, I've been repeating that line to everybody, how smart I feel now. :DD I'm just afraid I run into someone who knows the language and laughs at me..

Nope, none of those are familiar... well, I don't actually read much so that's expected. My New Year was boring, as usual, I spent it home making origamis. :DD Maybe this year I'll have a killer party for I'm turning 18 but I don't know. Maybe I could stick to the origamis instead of drinking my ass off. Btw, did you make any New Year's resolutions?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 7, 2014
.... I can't believe I posted the reply on my own wall again....

But yeah, thanks, and that's correct. How about, how do you say "happy new year" in Hungarian? :D And how was your New year?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 18, 2013
My day, well, right now I'm on a holiday and I'm spending this week with my family in our cottage in Levi, very pretty place, great to spend Christmas time at. :D How about you? Are you looking forward to Christmas?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 15, 2013
+40..... horrible. :D You've also listed Hevisaurus.... do you listen listen to it?

It must be difficult to learn that way, how do you learn to pronounce then? If you have anything to ask, I'd be happy to answer. :D
Reply - Conversation - Dec 15, 2013
Gosh I just realized I had sent this message on my own wall.... what an idiot I am.. :DD

:D Well Rovaniemi is in Lapland, on the Arctic Circle, so we're.. pretty north. But it only gets that cold at winters, we have all the four seasons and at summers it's usually +20 degrees or more, so there's quite big variation. (:

I kinda feel like that almost everyone who's interested in Finland loves Nightwish..! :D Oh well, we do have those popular bands. I've never really listened to them though. So do you study Finnish or is it just a dream of yours..? :D
Reply - Conversation - Dec 10, 2013
Haha well up here it's almost -30 degrees... lots of snow. :DD I see from your profile that you're... interested in Finland? How come? :D I mean, not many people know there even is a country between Sweden and Russia.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 9, 2013
Umm my my my favorite what? :DD ..Comic books? I like Alison Bechdel's graphic novels, they are a perfect mixture of prose and graphic.

Btw how is the weather like in Hungary? :D
Reply - Conversation - Nov 11, 2013
Well I haven't had time for reading for too long time, but I prefer reading short stories... because I'm lazy. : D I guess I have pointed that out before btw. I like very much Oscar Wilde's fairy tales... Lately I have been reading lots of graphic novels, maybe because I'm too lazy to start an actual book. (: Can you condense your reading preferences?
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