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HeeyaM, 38 y.o.
Busan, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 30.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2010
Hello Sandra!! Nice to meet you too!
Are you currently in Davao now? which University you study?
Actually, I'm now in Panabo City in my hometown, I used to stay in Davao City during my college days, I rent a boarding house there..but I graduated last April 10 this now I'm staying in my hometown.. but there are also times that I go to Davao like going to Job fair ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jun 9, 2010
please addme you friend :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 9, 2010
Ohh Very interesant...
I live in Colombia, now I study Chemical and Pharmacy in my city (Barranquilla, the Shakira City XD )
I'm 18 years old and in the future i want travel to Korea :)
Reply - Conversation - May 2, 2010
반가워요 ^^
전 25살 캐나다에서 온 여자예용 ^^ 저두 부산에 살아요 ^^
Reply - Conversation - Feb 10, 2010
nice to meet u..
i'm ifah from malaysia..
i hope we can be friends here (^_^)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 25, 2010
Hi KyungHee !
I hope everything is fine for you !
How are you now ?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2009
Life in Taiwan is very different from the one in France. Taipei is a very big city, with a lot of traffic, and night markets are crowded. There are many strange foods for us european foreigners :)

So when is your final exam ? Did you get the results of the other one ? Was it okay ?
So when do you leave Korea ? What is the first place you will see ?

And maybe we can try to meet on msn one evening of this week !

Now I will go out soon, to meet a friend :) So have a nice afternoon, and maybe we can talk more later !
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2009
Hi KyungHee :)
I'm fine here, and you ?
Here, I found a place to stay, and meet some people to go out with. Yesterday, I've been in the hot springs :)
And you, how are you ? Are you preparing your Europe trip ?
I didn't see you on msn :( I hope to meet you there soon :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2009
For the Phillipines, that right you have a lot of time to think of it :D I want to give you all the pieces of advice I have :)

I am almost ready to leave, I just have to check my lugage.
I feel very excited, because I don't know what I will find there, and afraid, because once there, I will have to find a place to stay (I already have a hotel for the first day but after, nothing !), and afraid to feel alone.
And very sad to leave my boyfriend in France for such a long time.

I am looking forward your letter, and I have a lot to tell you !
Have a nice day !
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2009
I think you have to check what is the level in English you'll get after 3 months at this institution. How many hours a day ? Has this institution a good reputation ? Are the teachers real English natives ? How many students per classes ? (the more students there are, the less you'll speak in class, but you'll make more friends )
Don't misunderstand me :) It is a wonderful idea, really. I just want to make sure you'll receive the best teaching :) And these are the questions I asked when I choose to learn Chinese :)
There are several types of programs : some to learn from scratch, some to improve only speaking or only writing, some which are not serious... You have to be sure you'll really learn what you expect, because I guess that is expensive.
For example, after six months at my university in Taipei, I normally get the intermediate level.
Please tell me if you need any advice for choosing the learning program.
And I think that staying 8 months at Newzealand is so great ! You'll really improve your English, and see another culture ! It is such a great project you have :)
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