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James, 39 y.o.
London, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 12.
inactive user
Yeah, that's pretty good man. Thanks for the share. He's a pretty solid guitar player on top of being a good singer.
inactive user

Your boy killing it at some Lana Del Rey. He's pretty good! Thanks for inadvertently turning me on to him.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 26, 2016
Haha, don't worry, everyone know the UK :)
inactive user
It was pretty good actually. I'll let you have those cool points.
inactive user
Saw Call Me Maybe lyrics in your status and I just couldn't resist.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 25, 2016
No one's perfect :] ...But what else could have I said ? XD
Reply - Conversation - Apr 25, 2016
Its customs? I have no clue, I'm not originally from here, so there is little I can say about it.
inactive user
Dang it. Either way, i'm sure the reply will be worth the wait. Nighty night!
inactive user
Welp, that's a very broad topic to talk about. Where shall we begin? Alien life, Mars mission, our many moons, Nibiru cataclysm, Anunnaki, multiverse theory, blackholes and time travel...
Speaking of which, how's that going for you? I'm not quite sure a VCR is the right approach..
inactive user
I think you may be my spirit animal
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