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Briana, 32 y.o.
Toronto, Canada [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 37.
inactive user
any shows coming up?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 22, 2013
Like your profile pic ;)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 22, 2013
Hello =)
inactive user
hey =)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 21, 2013
good dear how r u?
inactive user
Thanks :) you're very nice yes, i like edit stuff and i find it fun, even when everybody says that it's boring, the only thing is that i have to use glasses when I'm working in the computer, so i look like milhouse from the simpsons hahahah and i like to swim in my School to keep me in shape but i think that it's doesn't working hahhaha
inactive user
Thanks for viewing my page ^^
inactive user
hahah well, I think that it keeps me busy eough, so this page is like my scape ahahaha I enjoy meet new people and talk with them, but my english isn't very good so please sorry if I make mistakes
I'm studying graphic design, and I work in a construction company, making all the publicity stuff, oh and also I work by my own making publcity for local companies, as you can see I like the publicity hahahaha
inactive user
hahahhaa I barely took some pictures, and I have seen tumblr, but truly and don't have to much time to make it because I study in the mornings and I go to work in the afternoon from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm and again I have to go back to school to my last class from 7:30 to 9:00 pm hahaha, it's very tired
inactive user
wooow, you're really cool, I was thinking in another kind of blog, but this is really great! congrats!
and noo,I don't have one, I'm to shy to make a videos ahaahhah
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