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Baydos Oxyde, 31 y.o.
Sydney, Australia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 137.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 7, 2012
Reply - Conversation - Sep 7, 2012
Hi :)
inactive user
Lol! I guess so. Whats good this week?
inactive user
Haha dw i agrew lol! Waaay to many lads >.< ugly aye? Haha.
inactive user
Say what? Thought you were from here lol! Pffft, i live in the western suburbs ;) lol! Sad story lol
inactive user
Yup lol are you?
inactive user
Yeah it was good got te kids hyped up then hid when they started to play up haha.
inactive user
Sorry for the lag i got lazy lol, but how was the recording? Ahh i just had my nephews 1st bday today ahh it wasvery productive. Lol
Reply - Conversation - Aug 18, 2012
Imagine in all my symbolic techniques
i affect 3 emcees per beat, with a disease generated from my heat,
when my sound particles beat 5.59 million degrees when i speak
i throw words like a hard breeze, the dictonarys most unheard terms
freeze.. and i collect them and reflect them at hyper-dimensional brain speeds
i create hurricanes and hyper-torrentrial rain when i breathe, an accumulus Cumulonimbus blasts a slaughter and bleeds.... more electricity than a bath of water and power leads,
now an hour leaves and i wonder if im still in this vision to step in
this descision to quit living and spit in heaven, a personal message transmitted to my mind, that god wants me signed because i definied every divine prime in his expectation of rhyme, thoughout his times he was trying to find the perfect emcee to shine, but the deserts were dry and expectations too high, they would rise before i win the prize, and fill the empty land with oceans from the sky, precipitated why? because this rechiprocated line, where stipilated lies are incubated twice, so ill you kill one in a fight, the other will survive and strive to attack me from behind,
this is modern writing in the more pure form
not this in the club shit we endure the norm
the realest talk sprouts like a bean stalk
i see the giant and morph into an alliance of infinite swords
than create a parallel incision between his jaw, drop him to the floor and taunt with a drawn, collection of rhymes that haunt the thoughts,
drives to suicide, im schzophrenia in a physical form
the annunciation of a perfect pronunciation of months of patience
the sons of satan have guns and waiting in the sun mistaken
in a masonic pyramid, calculated arithmetic subliminally enctypted in heiroglyphics with a descriptive for a scientific specific
inactive user
Ahh nice to meet you baydos, havent heard that one before. Whats ur plans for the weekend?
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