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Keiten, 26 y.o.

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
Reply - Conversation - May 2, 2014
Hallo, iya saling membantu ya... tapi aku masih pemula sih ;)
Reply - Conversation - May 2, 2014
lagi dilanda galau ini ,wkwkwk
lapar makan gih dek xD
atau perlu delivery dari aku? haha
Reply - Conversation - May 2, 2014
hello :)
makasi ya uda mampir n ngewall xD
apa kabar ?
Reply - Conversation - May 2, 2014
Hiiiiiiii.... juga :D
inactive user
Uh I can try I guess, I'm just not thaaaaat good at it haha ^^;
inactive user
Hi! thanks :3 YEah, when I have my own concert lol ;-;
inactive user
Hi! The Kirov is situated at the central-east of Russia :) Nice to meet you and how are u?^^
inactive user
:')yes and sureee we can I will message u my account detail hehee
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